Sketchtravel is a unique international charity art project. This red sketchbook was passed from one artist's hand to another like an Olympic torch in an artistic relay through 12 countries over 4 and half years. Now the book is complete and it will be auctioned on Oct 17th 2011 to benefit the non profit Room to Read
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
En plein dans L'OEIL ! Open the "EYE".
L'excellente revue d'Art : "l'Oeil", (numéro 590/Avril) Le magazine culte qui a fait découvrir l'art à des générations (disponible en kiosque dès ce jour pour seulement 4,90 euros) propose un article très sympathique sur Sketchtravel page 25 dans la rubrique "L'oeil en mouvement/Actualités".
Dans le numéro de Mars, la rubrique expertise rappelait que deux planches de BD de Blacksad par Juanjo Guarnido, annoncé il y a quelques jours parmis les artistes de Sketchtravel, avaient été vendus à 8000 euros chacune...
The first-class Art review : "The Eye" , (number 590/April) available today (only 4,90 euros) offers an very nice article about Sketchtravel page 25 in the "news/eye in action" column. It's good to see that an artistic review takes into consideration Illustrations in France. In the march review, in the "Expertness column", the "Eye" called off that two comics boards from "Blacksad" by Juanjo Guarnido (officially part of Sketchtravel challenge) had been sold 8000 euros each...(I talk about it because many people ask me about auction bid estimate.)