Friday, August 21, 2009

Daisuke "Dice" Tsutsumi children book available !

Finally, Hyperactive Daisuke "Dice" Tsutsumi, my Sketchtravel co-organizer got his books delivered from Japan !
Daisuke reports :
"With all the talk of the digital literacy era, there’s something so nice about seeing an actual book. Especially when the book is crafted with care. I was fortunate enough to work with a very good publisher and a designer who dedicated their time creating a beautiful book.

It is written by my mother Emi Tsutsumi who is a poet. She wrote this beautiful poetry and I really wanted to illustrate it. It was a long journey to find the right publisher and we went through so many revisions too. But we made this book with almost no compromises. Although I was several months late for the initial deadline, I made all the illustrations the way I wanted to.

I have seen all pictures of this astonishing book (such a privilege, thanks Dice) and I warmly invit you to order it HERE as soon as possible. Daisuke "Dice" put all his sense of light, his knowledge of color and sensitivity in this incontrovertible book. The fact he did it with his mother makes also this first book definitely unique.

Dice, who manage the Sketchbook's trip in the US (now) and Japan (october) will get the Sketchtravel's sketchbook in his hands soon and will bring his contribution in it.
He is also working as Artistic Director on Toy Story 3.

Enfin ! L'Hyperactif Daisuke "Dice" Tsutsumi, co-organisateur de Sketchtravel, a reçu ses livres du Japon.
Daisuke est ravi de sa collaboration avec son éditeur qui lui a laissé une grande marge de manoeuvre et respecté sa vision. A noter que le texte a été écrit par sa mère, Emi, poète japonaise renommée.

Je vous invite à vous procurer le livre via ce LIEN Vous y retrouver tout le savoir-faire de Dice, avec sa maitrise légendaire de la lumière doublé d'une grande sensibilité.
Dice, qui gère actuellement les relais du carnet de Sketchtravel aux Etats-Unis (maintenant) comme au Japon (octobre) apportera bientôt sa contribution au carnet.
Il est également directeur Artistique sur Toy Story 3 chez Pixar.