Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Randall and Peter de Sève brand new children book : "The Duchess of Whimsy"

Waiting for the Sketchtravel's sketchbook in all stores (2010 ?) you know that we love promoting and supporting Sketchtravel's contributors on this blog. Today : "Randall and Peter de Sève"!

The De Sève family is in great shape and offer you a tremendous brand new children book this year : "The Duchess of Whimsy" available here and here. Everybody knows I am not so objective when I talk about Peter de Sève because I am a fanatic of his work for more than a decade (I discovered his work through the and then on Disney's hunchback of Notre-Dame, and then New-Yorker's, he does everything and he is always in the coolest places ever) but believe me, this book is essential. And what a team ! Husband and Wife ! This is not Randall de Sève 's first children book since she brought us the beautiful "Toy Boat" illustrated by Loren Long and also available in french at Mic-Mac edition (french title "Ti'Bateau"). Many artists know that it's not so easy to work together as a couple and this is also why this book is rare ;-) If you already love Randall's writing and style and Peter de Seve's universe no doubt you will love "The Duchess of Whimsy" full of poetry, humor, freshness and nicety. I had the great privilege to see some pages a few months ago and the only thing I can tell is "order it !"