Sketchtravel is a unique international charity art project. This red sketchbook was passed from one artist's hand to another like an Olympic torch in an artistic relay through 12 countries over 4 and half years. Now the book is complete and it will be auctioned on Oct 17th 2011 to benefit the non profit Room to Read
Thursday, April 12, 2007
ROCA rolls
Many people asked me where is it possible to have a look at François ROCA astonishing oils paintings. Actually you don't find him only on François doesn't have any personal website...but a french parisian gallery "Frédéric Bosser " shows and represents a part of his work. By selecting the "auteurs" section you can find him in the illustration section. François will have soon his own new exhibition in this Gallery. We'll add an article about it in the following weeks. François is currently working on his next book. This time, the story deals with Dinosaurs (written as usual by his old pal Fred Bernard). A theme he never explored before and he will process in a very unexpected way. To be continued...
Suite à de nombreux mails demandant où il était possible de trouver des illustrations de François ROCA ailleurs que sur Amazon, et parce qu'il n'a pas de site internet, il convient de mentionner la Galerie parisienne "Frédéric Bosser" qui représente l'artiste et lui consacrera d'ailleurs une nouvelle exposition très bientôt. Le héros du prochain livre du fameux duo François ROCA/Fred Bernard sera un Dinosaure, avec à la clé une surprise de taille (thème oblige) dans le traitement... Affaire à suivre.