Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Ben Butcher/ sneak peek !

Ben Butcher has just finished his contribution to the Sketchtravel's Sketchbook. He made one of this awesome collages he has the secret recipe for...in 3D ! Which means printing is going to be a higher challenge :-) This sketchbook is really the luckiest ever and an unique book with now a pop-up pic in it !
Thank you very much for bringing your magic golden cissors in this artistic experience Ben !
You can get a part of his contribution on this nice pic !
Stay tuned because we have a big surprise (yes, another one) coming...Indeed, it's almost Christmas...

Ben Butcher vient juste de finir sa contribution dans le Carnet. Et quelle contribution ! Pas moins qu'un immense collage Pop-Up dont vous pouvez deviner l'ambition sur la photo ci-contre. L'impression de ce livre pour vous chers lecteurs constituera donc un challenge supplémentaire !
Un grand merci à Ben dont vous pouvez admirer le travail ici : http://mellowpad.blogspot.com/
Restez dans les parages, d'autres surprises sont en route..En effet, c'est bientôt Noël !