Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dominique Bertail, Kerascoet and Nicolas de Crécy

We didn't post any pics from hand off between artists for a while. So here is from the left to the right : Dominique Bertail (who already brought his part a few months ago) Sébastien from the Kerascoet (in the middle, trying to catch the box) and Nicolas de Crécy. I have taken this pic during a lunch we shared at the "Café de l'Industrie" at Bastille area, Paris.
I won't show the Nicolas de Crécy's contribution since we now keep contributions confidential until the end of the trip. I didn't show Daniel Adel's part neither. Indeed, how to keep this project fresh to your eyes if we show you all pictures ? ;-)
That is teasing...
But don't forget this tremendous sketchbook will be published some day soon so you will finally discover the other masterpieces. Anyway, as you can imagine, I have seen Nicolas de Crécy's astonishing drawing and I can tell you what he did is just awesome.
I suggest you to buy the recent De Crécy's album here. Believe me it's worth a try.
I will tell you who has now the sketchbook as soon as the artists finished their contribution. They ? yes, it's a couple.