Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sketchtravel's contributor : Enrico Casarosa.

The "Sketchtravel" official blog doesn't only report the tremendous life of the luckiest Sketchbook but also informs you about his contributors. Let's talk about our incontrovertible Enrico Casarosa today !
Enrico isn't only story-boarder at Pixar but an accomplished autor. He just can't stop drawing, telling amazing stories. Do you remember his funny contribution to Sketchtravel ?
I warmly invit you to discover his "Venice Chronicles".Enrico has the books and he takes orders from all over the world ... from his blog
some photos here
and preview here (all of it actually ;))

Enrico will share a Show with his pals Ronnie De Carmen and Tadahiro Uesugi at Arludik Gallery next January and will be promoting his books at 2009 Angouleme Festival.