Sketchtravel is a unique international charity art project. This red sketchbook was passed from one artist's hand to another like an Olympic torch in an artistic relay through 12 countries over 4 and half years. Now the book is complete and it will be auctioned on Oct 17th 2011 to benefit the non profit Room to Read
Saturday, October 27, 2007
About the Artists
While we keep following the Sketchbook's adventure, we also keep an eye on Sketchtravelers news. The Spanish artist Enrique Fernandez did not add his part in the Sketchtravel sketchbook yet but waiting to discover his contribution have a look on the beautiful work he did on the movie "Nocturna" as a storyboard artist. . You have to know that another big talent invited to Sketchtravel also worked on Nocturna as an animator : Juanjo Guarnido (Blacksad). Nocturna is currently available in all good theaters in France. Don't miss it if you are around.
Si ce blog permet de suivre le carnet de Sketchtravel à travers la planète, il permet également de rappeler l'actualité des artistes invités à participer à cette expérience artistique collective. Le long-métrage animé "Nocturna" est actuellement sur les écrans en France. Deux futurs Sketchtravelers espagnols y ont apporté leur remarquable talent : Enrique Fernandez comme story-boarder et Juanjo Guarnido comme animateur (Blacksad).